Water Resource:
Choose a water resource, if known
8-Ball Lake
Adain Lake
Adams Lake
Akron, Lake
Alexander Springs
Alexander Springs Creek
Alfred, Lake
Alice, Lake
Alligator Lake Swamp
Amos, Lake
Andrew's Lake
Ann Lake
Annabelle Reed, Lake
Apopka Beauclair Canal
Apopka Marsh Canal
Apopka Spring
Apopka, Lake
Apshawa Lake
Arlene, Lake
Arthur, Lake
Astatula Sand Mine
Audrey, Lake
Banana River
Baptising Pond
Bass Canal
Bass Lake (near Paisley)
Bass Lake (near Pine Lakes)
Bay Lake
Bay Lake (near Bay Lake)
Bay Lake (near Eustis)
Bay Lake (near Lake Norris)
Bay Lake (near Umatilla)
Bayroot Slough
Beakman Lake
Bear Lake (near Lake Louisa)
Bear Lake (near Paisley)
Bear Lake (near Pine Lakes)
Bear Pond (in Seminole State Forest)
Bear Spring
Beasley, Lake
Beauty Lake
Becky, Lake
Bell, Lake
Berchfield Lake
Bertha, Lake
Big Bear Lake
Big Bluff Lake
Big Bluff Lake
Big Bluff Lake
Big Bluff Lake
Big Bluff Lake
Big Breedlove Lake
Big Camp Lake
Big Creek
Big Creek
Big Prairie
Big Prairie
Bigeye Hole
Billies Bay Branch
Bird Lake (near Mascotte)
Bird Lake (near Montverde)
Bird Lake (near Royal Highlands)
Birdseye Lake
Black Lake
Black Water Swamp
Black Water Swamp
Blacks Lake
Blacks Still Lake
Blackwater Creek
Blackwater Spring Run
Blackwater Springs
Blanchester, Lake
Blue Algae Spring
Blue Algae Spring Run
Blue Bream Canal
Blue Creek
Blue Lake (near Eustis)
Blue Lake (near Paisley)
Blue Spring
Blue Spring Lake
Blue Spring Run
Blueberry Spring
Blueberry Spring Run
Bobcat Pond
Boggy Marsh
Bonaire Pond
Botts Creek
Boulder Spring
Boulder Spring Run
Boulder Spring Run Minor #1
Boyd Lake
Bracy, Lake
Brantly Lake
Bright, Lake
Brooks Lake
Buck Lake
Buddy, Lake
Bugg Spring
Bugg Spring Run
Buggar Bottom Lake
Bunch Ground Pond
Bundy, Lake
Burns, Lake
Camp La No Che Spring
Camp La No Che Spring Run
Camp Lake
Carlton, Lake
Castle Lake
Catherine, Lake
Catherine, Lake
Cedar Spring Run
Cedar Springs
Center Lake
Charles, Lake
Charm, Lake
Cherry Lake
Chloe, Lake
Christa, Lake
Chub Slough
Church Lake
Claire, Lake (near Silver Lake)
Clare, Lake (SW of Lake Minnehaha)
Clarence Lake
Clark Lake
Clay Lake (in Ocala National Forest)
Clay Lake (near Howey)
Clear Lake (near Eustis)
Clear Lake (near Lake Yale)
Clear Lake (near Minneola)
Clearview Lake
Clearwater Lake (near Okahumpka)
Clearwater, Lake (in Ocala National Forest)
Cook Lake (near Cherry Lake)
Cook Lake (near Lake Silver)
Cook/Cherry Canal
Cool Spring Pond
Cooley, Lake
Cooter Pond
Counts Lake
Cowpen Lake
Cowpen Pond
Cowpen Pond
Cr Big Lake
Cr Small Lake
Crescent Lake
Crescent Lake (in Umatilla)
Crescent Lake (near Groveland)
Crescent Lake (near US 27 And US 192)
Crescent Lake (SW Of Lake Minnehaha)
Crescent, Lake
Crescent/Minnehaha Canal
Cricket Lake
Crooked Lake (in Ocala National Forest)
Crooked Lake (near US 27 And US 192)
Crooked River
Cross Creek
Crossings Lake
Crowder Holes
Crown Lake (in Royal Highlands)
Crown Lake (near Lake Saunders)
Crystal Lake (in Clermont)
Crystal Lake (in Fruitland Park)
Crystal Lake (in Pine Lakes)
Cypress Lake
Cypress Tree Seep
Dade Lake
Dague Lake
Dalhousie, Lake
Danger Pond
David, Lake
Deacon Lake
Dead River
Deep Lake
Deer Lake (in Pine Lakes)
Deer Lake (near Lady Lake)
Deer Water
Deerhaven Lake
Denham, Lake
Desire, Lake
Devils Bay
Dexter, Lake
Diane Lake
Dicie, Lake
Dillard Pond
Dilly Lake
Dilly Marsh
Dilly Marsh
Dime Pond
Dixie Lake
Dock Spring
Dollar Lake
Dolls, Lake
Dora Canal
Dora, Lake
Dorr, Lake
Dorty Spring Run
Dot Lake (near Haynes Creek)
Dot, Lake (in Clermont)
Dot, Lake (in Eustis)
Double Run Spring
Double Run Spring Run
Douglas, Lake
Dove Lake
Dream Lake (near Fruitland Park)
Dream, Lake (near Lake Yale)
Dried Pond
Droty Spring
Duck Pond
Duda Farms
Dudes Lake
Dukes Lake
Dyches Lake
Eagle Lake
Eagle Nest Pond
East Crooked Lake
East Dixie Lake
East Heard Lake
East Lake
East Lake (east of Lake Louisa)
East Lake (in Clermont)
East Lake (in Umatilla)
East Lake Harris Estates Canal
Edgewood Lake
Egret, Lake
Eldorado, Lake
Eleanor, Lake
Ella Lake (north of Lake Yale)
Ella, Lake (in Umatilla)
Ella, Lake (near Lady Lake)
Elsie, Lake
Elza, Lake
Emeralda Marsh
Emma, Lake
Emory Lake
Enola, Lake
Erie Lake
Erie Lake
Etowah, Lake
Eubanks Lake
Eustis Sand Mine
Eustis, Lake
Eva, Lake
Evert, Lake
Felter, Lake
Fischer Lake
Fish Lake
Flat Lake
Florence Lake (west of Lake Louisa)
Florence, Lake (in Montverde)
Forest Lake
Fountain Lake (in Fruitland Park)
Fountain Lake (in Leesburg)
Frances, Lake (in Tavares)
Frances, Lake (north of Lake Yale)
Franklin, Lake
Fred's Lake
Gabe Lake
Gaiter Lake
Gallows Lake
Gardner Lake
Gary, Lake
Gator Lake
Gem, Lake
Geneva, Lake (in Fruitland Park)
Geneva, Lake (in Umatilla)
George, Lake
Gertrude, Lake
Get Out Creek
Gibson, Lake
Gizzard Lake
Glenn Branch
Glona, Lake
Gobbler Lake
Gourd Lake (near Lake Norris)
Gourd Lake (near Mascotte)
Gourd Neck
Grace, Lake
Gracie, Lake
Grason, Lake
Grass Lake (east Of Pine Lakes)
Grass Lake (west of Pine Lakes)
Grass Pond
Grass Pond
Grassy Lake
Green Algae Spring
Green Algae Spring Run
Green Lake
Green Swamp
Green Swamp Run
Green Swamp Run
Griffin Flowway
Griffin, Lake
Hammond Lake
Hampton Prairie
Hancock Bays
Hancock Lake
Hanes Lake
Hanna Lake
Harman, Lake
Harris, Lake
Hart Lake
Hattie Lake
Hattie, Lake
Hawk Lake
Hawks, Lake
Haynes Creek
Hedges Pond
Helena Run
Helene Spring
Helene Spring Run
Herm Lake
Hermosa, Lake (in Eustis)
Hermosa, Lake (in Lady Lake)
Heron, Lake
Hiawatha, Lake (west of Lake Griffin)
Hiawatha, Lake (west of Lake Minneola)
Hicks Ditch
Hidden Lake (E of Clermont)
Hidden Lake (near Boggy Marsh)
Hill Lake
Holiday Spring Run
Holiday Springs
Holland Lake
Holly Lake (north of Lake Yale)
Holly, Lake (in Forest Hills)
Hollywood, Lake
Honeycut Lake
Hontoon Dead River
Hook Lake
Horsehead Pond
Horseshoe Lake (near Lake Jem)
Horseshoe Lake (near Minneola)
Horseshoe Mud Lake
Howard Lake
Idamere, Lake
Idlewild, Lake
Illinois, Lake
Indianhouse Lake
Indigo, Lake
Indiola, Lake
Irma, Lake
Isabel, Lake
Island Lake (near Umatilla)
Island Lake (se of Lake Louisa)
Island Pond
Island Spring
Ivanhoe, Lake
Jack Lake
Jacks Lake
Jackson, Lake
Jahna Clermont West Sand Mine
Jake Bay
Jem, Lake
Jessie, Lake
Jewel, Lake (at Paisley)
Jewel, Lake (in Royal Highlands)
Joanna, Lake
John's Pond
John, Lake
Johns Lake
Jones Lake
Jordan, Lake
Josephine Lake (near Fruitland Park)
Josephine, Lake (near Umatilla)
Jug Lake
Jumping Gully
Junieta, Lake
Juniper Creek
Kahurski Lake
Katherine, Lake (near Clermont)
Kathryn, Lake (near Lake Kathryn Heights)
Keene Lake
Keith, Lake
Kess Lake
Kimball Lake
King Lake (near Astatula)
King, Lake (in Altoona)
Kings Cove
Kirkland Lake
Kitty, Lake
Knight Lake
Knight Lake
Knight Lake
Lady Lake
Lake Alfred Seepage Stream
Lake Apopka Canals
Lake Aura
Lake Beauclair
Lake Dot
Lake Dot (near Pine Lakes)
Lake Edwards
Lake Geneva
Lake Heron
Lake Hiawatha Canal
Lake Hospitality
Lake Junieta Canal
Lake Lincoln
Lake Lincoln
Lake Of The Woods
Lake Tracy
Lake Winona Canal
Lakes of Mount Dora Lake
Lappin, Lake
Lawbreaker Lake
Lee Lake
Lena, Lake
Lessman Lake
Lily Pad Pond
Lincoln, Lake
Linda, Lake
Linda, Lake (in Mascotte)
Linda, Lake (west of Lake Eustis)
Little Bear Lake
Little Bluff Lake
Little Camp Lake
Little Creek
Little Creek
Little Everglades
Little Everglades
Little Flat Lake
Little Grassy Lake
Little Island Lake
Little Juniper Creek
Little Lake Blackwelder
Little Lake Bracy
Little Lake Harris
Little Lake Nellie
Little Lake Sunshine
Little Mary
Little Saw Mill Lake
Live Oak Lake
Lizzie, Lake
Loch Leven
Loggy Pond Swamp
Loggy Pond Swamp
Long Lake (SE of Schoolhouse Lake)
Long Lake (south of Lake Louisa)
Lorraine, Lake
Lost Lake (near Altoona)
Lost Lake (near Clermont)
Lot's Wife, Lake
Lotus Lake
Louisa, Lake
Louise, Lake
Luana, Lake
Lucerne, Lake
Lucie, Lake
Lucille, Lake
Lucke Lake
Lucy, Lake
Lulu, Lake
Mack, Lake
Madge, Lake
Maggie, Lake
Mallard Lake
Margaretta, Lake
Marion, Lake
Markee Spring
Markee Spring Run
Markee Spring Run Minor #1
Marmette Canal
Mary, Lake (in Umatilla)
Mary, Lake (near Okahumpka)
Mathews Pond
May, Lake
Meeks Lake
Meeks Lake
Melton, Lake
Merritt, Lake
Merritt, North Lake
Messant Spring
Messant Spring Run
Middle Bear Lake
Middle Heard Lake
Mill Pond
Mill Stream Swamp
Minnehaha, Lake
Minnehaha/Palatlakaha Canal
Minneola, Lake
Minneola, Lake (in Altoona)
Mirror Lake (east of Minneola)
Mirror Lake (near Dona Vista)
Mirror Lake (near Fruitland Park)
Mirror Lake (near Paisley)
Mirror Lake (near Umatilla)
Moccasin Spring
Moccasin Spring Run
Monarch, Lake (in Royal Highlands)
Montgomery Lake
Moon Lake
Mooring Cove Spring Run
Mooring Cove Springs
Mosquito Spring Run
Mosquito Springs
Moss Lake
Mount Plymouth Lake
Mud Lake (near Lk Silver)
Mud Lake (south of St. Johns River)
Mud Pond
Mule Pond
Mulehead Lake
Murphy, Lake
Myrtle Lake (near Leesburg)
Myrtle, Lake (near Eustis)
Nanny, Lake
Needham, Lake
Neighborhood Lake
Neighborhood Lakes
Neighborhood Lakes
Nellie, Lake
Nelson's Lake
Nettie, Lake
Newark, Lake
Nicholas, Lake
Ninemile Creek
Norris, Lake
North Boat Lake
North Boggy Marsh
North Grasshopper Lake
North Holly Lake
North Twin Lake
Numans Lake
Ocklawaha River
Okahumpka Swamp
Old Peat Mine
Oleo, Lake
Olsen Lake
Orchid Lake
Ouida, Lake
Owen, Lake
Owens Pond (near Cassia)
Owens Pond (near Okahumpka)
Palatlakaha River
Palatlakaha, Lake
Palm Springs
Palm Springs Run
Palm, Lake
Paradise, Lake
Park Lake (near Lady Lake)
Park Lake (north of Lake Yale)
Park, Lake
Patterson Lake
Peanut Pond
Pearl, Lake (in Altoona)
Pearl, Lake (in Umatilla)
Perch Lake
Phelps Lake
Pike Canal
Pike Lake
Pine Island Lake
Pine Lake
Pine Meadows Lake
Pitt Lake
Placida, Lake
Plum Lake
Porter Lake
Pretty Lake (near Astatula)
Pretty Lake (south of SR 33)
Priest Basin
Pumpkin Center Lake
Purdum Pond
R. N. Spring
Ralph Lake
Red Breast Canal
Reed Hammock Pond
Rest, Lake
Rex Lake
Robbins Lake
Robin Hood, Lake
Robinson Lake
Round Lake (in Ocala National Forest)
Round Lake (near Lk Louisa)
Royal Lake
Rusty's Pond
Saddle Bag Lake
Saint Claire Lake
Saint Johns River
Sallie, Lake (near Lady Lake)
Sally, Lake (east of Lake Louisa)
Sams Lake
Sand Hill Pond
Sand Lake (east of Mount Dora)
Sand Lake (north of Seminole Springs)
Sandys Spring
Sandys Spring Run
Sap Pond
Saunders, Lake
Saw Mill Lake
Sawgrass Lake
Sawgrass Pond
Schimmerhorn Lake
Schoolhouse Lake
Scott Lake
Scrub Jay Pond
Sellers Lake
Seminole Creek
Seminole Springs
Seminole Springs 1 Run
Seminole Springs 2 Run
Seneca, Lake
Serpentine Lake
Shady Nook Lake
Shag Lake
Shakey Lake
Sharks Tooth Spring
Sharks Tooth Spring Run
Sheldon Spring
Shell Cracker Canal
Shell Creek
Shepherd Lake
Sidney, Lake
Siena, Lake
Silver Glen Spring Run
Silver Glen Springs
Silver Lake
Silver Paisley Lake
Site 1 Spring Pool
Skinny Dip Lake
Smith, Lake
Smokehouse Lake
Snail Springs
Snail Springs B Run
Snail Springs Run
Snail Springs Run C
Snail Springs Run D
South Boat Lake
South Grasshopper Lake
South Lake
South Pine Lakes
South Twin Lake
Southeast Turkey Lake
Sparkling Water Lake
Speck Lake
Speckled Perch Canal
Spencer, Lake
Spring Lake (at Fruitland Park)
Spring Lake (near Clermont)
Spring Lake (north of Lake Minneola)
Spruce Lake
Square Lake
St Clair Lake
St. Francis Dead River
Stagger Creek
Stagger Mud Lake
Stewart Lake (north of Groveland)
Stewart, Lake (SE Of Groveland)
Straker, Lake
Stump Lake
Sugar Lake
Sulphur Run
Summerall Lake
Sumner Lake
Sun Eden Spring
Sun Eden Spring Run
Sun Lake
Sunnyside, Lake
Sunset Lake (in Clermont)
Sunset Lake (in Mascotte)
Sunset Pond
Sunshine, Lake
Susan, Lake
Swatara, Lake
Sylvan Lake
Sylvia Lake
Tavares, Lake
Teardrop Lake
Tem, Lake
Terry, Lake
Thomas Lake
Thompson Lake
Tracy Canal
Trickle Spring
Trickle Spring Run
Tripple Lake
Trout Lake (at Eustis)
Trout Lake (at Paisley)
Trout Lake (near Howey)
Trout Lake (SE of Lake Louisa)
Trout Lake Canal
Tucker, Lake
Turkey Lake
Tuttle, Lake
Tutuola, Lake
Twin Lake (near Bay Lake)
Twin Lake (near Paisley)
Twin Lakes (near Fruitland Park)
Twin Lakes (near Haynes Creek)
Twin Lakes (near Howey)
Two Sand Boils Spring
Umatilla, Lake
Unity Lake
Victoria, Lake
Virginia, Lake
Vista Lake
Waldo, Lake
Walker Pond
Walker, Lake
Wallet Pond
Warmouth Canal
Wash Lake Near Big Creek
Wash, Lake (west of Lake Minnehaha)
Wekiva River
West Crooked Lake
West Dixie Lake
West Heard Lake
West Lake
Whitcomb, Lake
Wildcat Lake
William, Lake
Willie Lake
Willow, Lake
Wilma Lake
Wilma Lake
Wilma Lake
Wilson Lake
Wilson Marsh
Wilson/Cook Canal
Winona, Lake
Wise Hammock Pond
Wishbone Lake
Withlacoochee River
Wolf Branch
Wolf Branch Sink
Wolf Lake
Wolf's Head Lake
Wolf's Head Spring
Wolf's Head Spring Run
Wolfs Head Lake
Woodward, Lake
Yale, Lake
Yale-Griffin Canal
Zephyr Lake
Choose the specific water resource shown in the photo, if applicable. If necessary, add additional information about the water resource in the Description field below.