Water-Related News

Adopt-a-Lake Program invites volunteers to the Love Our Lakes cleanup event

The Lake County Adopt-a-Lake Program is inviting volunteers to the Love Our Lakes Cleanup event on Saturday, Nov. 7 from 8:30 a.m. – noon, to be held at three locations in the Tavares-area. Participants are needed to help clean the following waterbodies and shorelines: Lake Beauclair, Lake Dora, the Dora Canal, Lake Eustis, the Dead River, Lake Harris and Little Lake Harris. Check in at each of the following locations will begin at 8:30 a.m.:

Hickory Point Recreational Facility, 27341 State Road 19, Tavares
Wooton Park, 100 East Ruby St., Tavares
Tavares Recreation Park (Buzzard Beach), 2030 West Burleigh Blvd., Tavares
Participants are asked to dress comfortably and bring gloves and/or trash grabbers. Trash bags, water, and T-shirts will be provided. Volunteers should bring their own boats, or may walk along shorelines. A limited number of canoes and kayaks will be available at Hickory Point, but must be reserved in advance by calling 352-343-3777 ext. 0. Lunch will be provided at each of the three locations at the conclusion of the cleanups.

During the cleanup, participants will be competing to find the most unusual item, the largest item and the the most pounds of debris. The Harris Chain Sail & Power Squadron will also be offering free vessel safety checks performed by certified inspectors and Sea Tow Central Florida Lakes will provide emergency service at no charge to any boating participants.

The Love Our Lakes Cleanup is being held in partnership with Keep Lake Beautiful, the Lake County Water Authority, the City of Tavares, the Harris Chain Sail & Power Squadron, and Sea Tow Central Florida Lakes.

To volunteer, RSVP by Monday, Nov. 2 to 352-343-3777 ext. 0. For more information about the Adopt-a-Lake Program, contact Cathie Catasus at ccatasus@lakecountyfl.gov or 352-253-1686.

The Adopt–a–Lake Program encourages local civic organizations, individuals and fraternal and business groups to adopt a segment of a lake’s shoreline. The program is comprised of three separate components: Water-quality monitoring, public education and pollution prevention.

More Information: Cathie Catasus, 352-253-1686. ccatasus@lakecountyfl.gov