Water-Related News

Keep Lake Beautiful to host community cleanup in Umatilla

Keep Lake Beautiful (KLB) is inviting volunteers to participate in a community cleanup, sponsored by WCA, from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, June 17 at 59 N. Trowell Ave., Umatilla.

Residents are encouraged to clean their homes and yards and dispose of excess trash, passenger car tires, and any other items that might hold water that could breed mosquitos and spread the Zika virus. Lake County’s Household Hazardous Waste Mobile Unit will be on-site to accept household hazardous waste, paint, fuel and more.

KLB will provide gloves, safety vests, trash bags and water to those helping to clean the community. Volunteers must be 16 years or older, or be accompanied by an adult. Participants are encouraged to wear proper attire, sunscreen and insect repellent.

Since its launch, KLB has hosted or partnered on more than 20 projects including community and waterway cleanups, roadside litter pickups, neighborhood and school beautification events, tree plantings and household hazardous waste collection events.

The mission of Keep Lake Beautiful, an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, is to beautify Lake County by engaging the community.

To register as a volunteer or to become a sponsor of future events in Lake County, visit www.lakecountyfl.gov/KLB, contact Keep Lake Beautiful Coordinator Will Dawson at 352-742-3950, or sign up the day of the event.