Water-Related News

Mount Dora takes steps to stop smell near Sullivan Ranch after residents complain

Some Mount Dora residents say they've been dealing with an awful smell for years and Tuesday night, they hoped the city may have taken a step to help them breathe a little easier.

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection says there are several facilities that could be contributing to the smell, including a wastewater treatment facility, which was a topic of discussion at the meeting.

Several residents of the Sullivan Ranch neighborhood described the smell.

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection found the city had a number of violations when it came to the James Snell wastewater treatment facility, including that they "failed to operate the collection system in the Sullivan Ranch subdivision in a manner to control objectionable odors."

They sent the city a consent order with multiple actions the city would have to comply with, including submitting an odor control plan prepared by an engineer.

But the city would have to sign the agreement.

The city attorney said the requirements in the consent order were the result of a back-and-forth between the agency and the city.

"Dear members of the council, I move to approve the consent order and authorize the mayor to sign on behalf of the city council," one of the council members said before many gathered broke out in applause.

The council unanimously approved.