Station Name | AB-T_2 |
Station Identifier | 56400 |
Latitude | 28.71172030 |
Longitude | -81.68333060 |
Dataset Type | Monitoring/Sampling Data |
Name of Data Source | SJRWMD Water Quality Data |
Number of Water Resources Sampled | 154 |
Datasource Abbreviation (dataset) | SJRWMD_WQ |
Description of Datasource | SJRWMD water quality data are collected by numerous departments for the purpose of ambient monitoring and project-specific sampling. Results of these analyses are managed within a District-wide Oracle DBMS. An automated process is used to export data from the Oracle DBMS and sent to the Atlas on a quarterly basis. In order to ensure accurate replication, period-of-record data will be exported with each data transfer and will replace all SJRWMD water quality contained within the Atlas. |
Method of Transferring Data to the Atlas | Automated transfer via FTP |
How Often Data is Transferred to the Atlas | Quarterly |
Date of Most Recent Data Transfer | 3/13/2025 10:36:10 PM |
Period of Record Within the Atlas | 1/9/1980 - 9/24/2024 |
Disclaimer/Use Constraints | None |
Agency Name |
St. Johns River Water Management District Bureau of Water Resource Information |
Contact Name | Technical Program Manager, Water Quality Program |
Contact Phone | (800) 451-7106 |
Contact E-mail | |
Contact URL | |