Water-Related News

2010 Adopt-a-Lake Calendars Now Available

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The Lake County Adopt-a-Lake Program is releasing its 2010 calendar, which is available for a suggested donation of $5 with the proceeds benefiting the volunteer program.

The calendar includes full-page photographs of the 14 semi-finalists that received the highest number of votes and smaller photographs of the runner-up entries. The calendar also includes “Clean Lake Tips of the Month," standard holidays and environmentally related holidays and events.

Calendars are available at the Lake County Water Resource Laboratory, located at 12923 County Landfill Road in Tavares. Calendars are also available by mail. Send a check, payable to the Lake County Board of County Commissioners, to Adopt-a-Lake Program, PO Box 7800, Tavares, FL 32778 (an additional $1 is required for postage). .

The Adopt-A-Lake Program is similar in some aspects to the County's Adopt-a-Roadway Program. The program encourages local civic organizations, individuals and fraternal and business groups to adopt a segment of a lake's shoreline. Unlike an adopt-a-roadway program where litter cleanup is the sole component, the Lake County Adopt-a-Lake Program is comprised of three separate components: Water-quality monitoring, public education and pollution prevention. Volunteers can elect which components of the program best fit their desired level of participation..

For more information, call Cathie Catasus, Adopt-a-Lake Program Coordinator, at (352) 253-1659 or e-mail ccatasus@lakecountyfl.gov.

Additional Contact Information

Cathie Catasus

Adopt-a-Lake Program Coordinator, Lake County Department of Environmental Utilities

Cell: (352) 455-0445

(352) 253-1659