Boy Scouts assist Stormwater Section, Marking Drains with 'Only Rain Down the Storm Drain'
Twenty-seven Boy Scouts from Troop 14 in Eustis will be out in the South Lake County subdivisions of Westchester, Glenbrook, Silver Creek, Woodridge, Sunrise Lakes, Clear Creek, Louisa Point and Orange Tree on Saturday April 1 installing storm drain markers with the message "Only Rain Down the Storm Drain."
The project is to raise awareness about stormwater and it assists the Lake County Stormwater Section with its ongoing effort of marking all storm drains in unincorporated Lake County with the educational signage.
In addition to installing the storm drain markers, Boy Scouts will be distributing educational door hangers to residents in the communities. The educational campaign helps the County comply with its stormwater permit. Funding for the storm drain markers is from the Lake County Water Authority's "Drop-by-Drop: You Make A Difference!" community mini-grant.
For more information about stormwater education, contact Lake County Stormwater Section.
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