Water-Related News

New Update of BASINS Software Now Available from EPA

BASINS (Better Assessment Science Integrating point and Nonpoint Sources) is a multipurpose environmental analysis system designed for use by regional, state, and local agencies in performing watershed and water quality-based studies. Update 3 of the BASINS 4.0 software was recently released. Like previous releases, Update3 includes within the open-source MapWindow GIS interface, a Data Download Tool, project builder, watershed delineation routines, and data analysis and model output visualization tools. New features in Update 3 include plug-in interfaces for well-known watershed and water quality models SWMM5 (Stormwater Water Management Model version 5), WASP7 (Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program version 7), and SWAT 2005 (Soil and Water Assessment Tool).

BASINS 4.0 Update 3 is available for download at http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/basins/b3webdwn.htm. For more information go to http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/basins/, or call Jim Carleton.