SJRWMD Board Hires New Executive Director
The St. Johns River Water Management District Governing Board today voted unanimously to hire Hans G. Tanzler III as its new executive director effective immediately.
Tanzler has served as the District's general counsel since July, after having served three years on the District's Governing Board.
"Mr. Tanzler brings extensive experience leading large organizations with a well formulated and fiscally conservative approach," said Governing Board Chairman Leonard Wood. "He has a very balanced background in the public and private sectors, and I am pleased that we will be able to benefit from his leadership skills and experience."
Tanzler, 60, received law degrees from the University of Florida and has been a member of the Florida Bar for more than 30 years. He is also a certified public accountant and has worked as an assistant U.S. attorney, an Internal Revenue Service attorney, an attorney in private practice, and a senior corporate business executive.
Tanzler has been active for more than 20 years with volunteer and community activities, currently serving on the boards of the University of Florida Foundation and The Conservation Trust of Florida. He previously served as chairman of the Jacksonville Zoological Society and commissioner for the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission.
"I am extremely honored that the Board has entrusted this position to me, and I am looking forward to leading this agency," Tanzler said. "I come in with one agenda -- to effect good government. The District has accomplished much in preserving and protecting our region's water resources, and I look forward to continuing that work, with additional emphasis on good customer service."
The search committee -- made up of Board members Lad Daniels, John Miklos and Maryam Ghyabi -- was created in August and held five public meetings to identify the search criteria, evaluate the 21 applicants, and interview the committee's top three candidates.
Tanzler, whose appointment is subject to confirmation by Florida's governor and Senate, replaces Kirby B. Green III, who retired Oct. 3 after 10 years as District executive director.