Water-Related News

Lake County Adopt-a-Lake Program requests photo submissions for 2016 calendar

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TAVARES – The Lake County Adopt-a-Lake Program is seeking original photographs of Lake County waterways for its popular Adopt-a-Lake calendar, now in its seventh year of production. The top 14 photographs, as chosen by a panel of volunteers, will be featured in the 2016 edition.

Once the semi-finalists are selected, online voting will be opened to the public. The top-scoring photograph will be featured on the calendar’s cover.

All photos submitted must be of a Lake County named body of water, and must be shot in landscape (horizontal) mode. Entries are limited to five photos per person and should include the name of the photographer and the body of water pictured. A photo release form will be required.

To submit a photo, e-mail ccatasus@lakecountyfl.gov, bring a CD to the Water Resource Management Laboratory at 12923 County Landfill Road, Tavares, or mail a CD to Adopt-a-Lake Program, Attn: Cathie Catasus, P.O. Box 7800, Tavares, FL 32778.

The deadline to submit entries is Friday, Oct. 2.

The Adopt-a-Lake calendar will be available in November at various locations for a suggested donation of $5, with proceeds benefiting the Adopt-a-Lake Program.

The Lake County Adopt-a-Lake Program encourages local civic organizations, individuals and fraternal and business groups to adopt a segment of a lake's shoreline. The program is comprised of three separate components: Water-quality monitoring, public education and pollution prevention. Volunteers can select which aspects of the program best fit their level of interest.

For more information about Lake County’s Adopt-a-Lake Program, the calendar, or to become a volunteer, contact Cathie Catasus at 352-253-1659 or ccatasus@lakecountyfl.gov.

Photo: Lake Audrey, by Vicki Kochevar, photographed in 2006.