Mount Dora looking at 21% water rate hike
A public hearing will be held Tuesday night on a proposal to raise water, wastewater and reclaimed water rates by 21.2 percent.
According to a study completed last month by Public Resources Management Group, a utility consultant, the rate increase is needed to not only meet system costs, but to help pay for capital projects — including an estimated $35.6 million worth of work planned over the next four years.
City growth also will bring with it the need for line extensions, line relocations and wastewater treatment plant expansions.
Since June 2014, the city has had 14 major water line breaks, 22 moderate breaks and 28 minor breaks, or 64 total, the study states.
The city’s last formal rate study was performed nine years ago.
This new study indicates that working capital may be gone by the end of this year.