Water-Related News

Water officials urge conservation as groundwater levels drop

PALATKA – Groundwater levels are low because of lack of rain, and the St. Johns Water Management District is urging residents in several counties to take voluntary steps to conserve water.

The SJRWMD approved a Water Shortage Warning Order because of below-average rainfall across parts of the district. The lack of rainfall means we may enter a prolonged drought period.

Rainfall levels are down across the district, including several Central Florida counties.

The Water Shortage Warning is for the following counties:

  • Flagler
  • Marion
  • Lake
  • Putnam
  • Clay
  • Baker
  • Nassau
  • Clay

In the last 12 months, rainfall remained below average.

Flagler and Marion counties all have 12-month rainfall deficits greater than 10 inches.

In February, Osceola County had rainfal that was 1.3 inches below the average.

For ways to conserve water at home, head to the St. Johns River Water Management District website.