St. Johns River Water Management District recognizes May 14-20 as Water Reuse Week in Florida
Over the last 20 years, taking treated water from homes and businesses and reusing it, often on lawns and landscapes, has increased more than 130 percent in Florida. Next week, May 14-20, the St. Johns River Water Management District and fellow agencies across the state will recognize the benefits of water reuse in extending drinking water supplies and decreasing nutrient discharges to lakes, rivers and other surface waters.
"Florida is a national leader in water reuse," said St. Johns River Water Management District Executive Director Dr. Ann Shortelle. "Development of alternative water supplies, such as beneficial use of reclaimed water, has long been a focus of the district to promote the efficient use of water to ensure we have adequate resources available to meet the needs of our water users and our natural resources."
The district's Governing Board on May 9 approved a resolution proclaiming May 14-20, 2017, as Water Reuse Week, to help promote and encourage efficient use of reclaimed water in the district.
Across Florida, 430 water reuse facilities produced 738 million gallons per day (mgd) of reclaimed water in 2015.
In the St. Johns district in 2016, approximately 54 percent of all wastewater treatment flows within the district were reused, replacing the use of traditional freshwater supplies for landscape and golf course irrigation, agricultural and industrial purposes and groundwater recharge.
The largest use for reclaimed water is irrigation, and May is typically the month when irrigation demands peak due to hot and dry conditions. The district actively promotes and encourages efficient and effective use of reclaimed water by:
- Implementing a cooperative funding program that provides financial assistance to entities developing alternative water supplies, including water reuse;
- Funding studies and pilot programs that promote innovative treatment technologies; and
- Engaging in innovative uses and applications of reclaimed water.
The majority of beneficial reuse currently occurs in the central Florida area, but other areas of the district continue to expand reuse.
For information about the reuse of reclaimed water, visit the district online at