Water-Related News

Vote for a name for manatee “Leesburg's” baby

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Manatee research scientists with Florida-based Sea to Shore Alliance have recently positively identified “Leesburg,” the manatee last spotted in the Harris Chain of Lakes in May 2017, with her wild born calf. The first documented manatee in Lake County, “Leesburg” slipped her tracking tag in December. Scientists hesitated to re-tag her so as not to disturb Ms. Leesburg and her baby. Fortunately, in January of this year, both Mom and calf have been confirmed healthy in a small spring on the St. Johns River.

Last fall, the Lake County Water Authority asked citizens to help name the new calf. The top four names are Sunset, Miracle, Tavares and Sherbet. LCWA staff ask you to visit their website at www.lcwa.org to cast your vote for the calf’s name. The winning name will be announced at the LCWA Board of Trustees meeting on May 23, 2018 and posted to their website.

It is not known yet whether Ms. Leesburg and her calf will make Lake County their home again this year but Ron Hart, LCWA Water Resources Director encourages boaters to be aware of the possibility. “Boaters should post someone on the boat to be the lookout; and boat with care, particularly when boating along a shoreline or when nearing a ramp or other structures.” Never approach or attempt to feed or provide water to a manatee. This practice can impact their natural behaviors and is a finable offense in the State of Florida.

For more information, please contact Ron Hart at 352-324-6141 ext. 24 or ronh@lcwa.org.

Learn more about Leesburg and how you can protect manatees »