Water-Related News

Miklos steps down as St. Johns WMD chair

John Miklos officially stepped down as chairman of the St. Johns River Water Management District’s governing board on Tuesday, ending his controversial run as head of the agency.

Meanwhile, an ethics commission complaint against him is moving forward. The Florida Commission on Ethics notified Kimberly Buchheit, an Apopka surveyor, that her complaint filed in early February had been found sufficient for investigation and has been forwarded to the commission’s investigative section.

Shortly after the district’s board meeting began Tuesday in Palatka, Miklos pointed out the February announcement by Gov. Ron DeSantis that he would rescind all appointments made by his predecessor that had not yet been confirmed by the Florida Senate. After a few days of confusion following that announcement, it was determined that three St. Johns water district board members affected by the announcement — including Miklos — would continue to serve until the end of the session, or until they were replaced or reappointed.