Water-Related News

Lake Yale boat ramps to be temporarily closed

The Lake Yale East Boat Ramp, 39400 Lake Yale Boat Ramp Road, Eustis in Lake County, will be temporarily closed from April 19 – May 20 to allow for the removal of floating vegetation and mud (tussocks) from three coves within Lake Yale. During this time the Lake Yale West Boat Ramp and Marsh Park Boat Ramp will be open.

Once tussock removal has been completed at the Lake Yale East Boat Ramp, the ramp will be re-opened and tussock removal will begin at Lake Yale West Boat Ramp, 39800 Thomas Boat Landing Road, Eustis. It is anticipated that Lake Yale West Boat Ramp will be closed from May 20 – June 19 to complete tussock harvesting in the northwest cove of Lake Yale. During the time Lake Yale West Boat Ramp is closed, the Lake Yale East Boat Ramp and Marsh Park Boat Ramp will be open.

Floating vegetation (tussock) forms when water levels drop for an extended time, allowing vegetation to grow from the lake bottom. When water levels return, this vegetation uproots from the lake bottom and floats. Extensive areas of floating vegetation can negatively impact shoreline and deep-water vegetation communities by scouring beneficial plants and smothering desirable habitat types. Reducing the volume and coverage of these floating tussocks will create conditions favorable for beneficial (both emergent and submersed) vegetation to recolonize and expand. Reestablishing beneficial aquatic plants will provide cover and food for fish, waterfowl and other wetland-dependent species.

Tussocks harvested from Lake Yale will be removed from the lake and transported to nearby upland disposal sites.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is working in cooperation with Lake County’s Office of Parks & Trails to complete this project, which will benefit the lake by improving fish habitat. This project will also improve access out of the Lake Yale East Boat Ramp during variable water levels.