Water-Related News

LCWA parks and preserves closed to public

Effective March 23rd, the Lake County Water Authority has closed its offices, parks and preserves to public access. It is a decision not made in haste or taken lightly. The federal and state governments along with many of our cities have had similar tough decisions to make. While the parks and preserves are closed, our staff is working diligently, subject to social distancing guidelines, to improve and upgrade our facilities. It is our intention to reopen these areas for the full enjoyment of our citizens as soon as safely possible.

Covid-19 is in the early stages of rapidly spreading throughout our community. We all have witnessed how it can quickly overwhelm healthcare systems and medical professionals. Our agency has made a decision that will hopefully reduce these extreme conditions from occurring in Lake County. We chose to exercise caution and think about those with whom our staff or members of the public might come into contact, including those with a very vulnerable family member. An inconvenience to us may save the life of someone else’s loved one.