Water-Related News

Clean Water Coalition members seek seats on SJRWMD board

Two members of the Clean Water Coalition of Indian River County, a fishing guide and a rancher, are applying for seats on the St. Johns River Water Management District board.

Capt. Paul Fafeita, a Vero Beach fishing guide and the coalition's co-founder and president, and Bryan Corrigan, a co-owner of the family-owned Corrigan Ranch in Indian River County and a coalition board member, hope to fill one or two of the six vacant seats on the nine-member water district board.

"If we both got on the board, that would be great because we both have similar desires for the lagoon," Fafeita said. "But if only one of us got on, that would be one more voice than we had before."

The District covers 18 counties stretching from Jacksonville to Orlando to Vero Beach. Area 5, which includes Indian River County, has been represented by Douglas C. "Doug" Bournique, executive vice president of the Indian River Citrus League, since 2008.